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Abstract Painting is a language of form, color, lines, and delineations that communicate ideas of energy, feelings, and realities experienced by the viewer and the artist. Beauty is given new life through images uncommon to the utilitarian world we find ourselves in. For over thirty years I have been drawing and painting my images, inspired by Kandinsky, and The Abstract Expressionists. The list of Artists who do inspire me work in the realm of Beauty never before expressed. The energies of my paintings are my symbols, words put together, to give the viewer an idea, feeling, or perhaps a sense of beauty.

David Douthat 02 small 1 mb
David Douthat 04 1mb
David Douthat 05small 1mb
David Douthat 10 small
David Douthat Song In My Heart 11 1mb
David W. Douthat 1979
David W. Douthat 1978
David W. Douthat Wassily 1980
David W. Douthat Point Line and Plane 1981 photo
David W. Douthat Widowed D2 Windowed
David W. Douthat D5 Camera Obscura
David W. Douthat Wine Country 1981
David W. Douthat custom painted end table1986
David W. Douthat Arabian Knights bathroom mural _1014322
David W. Douthat booth at art festival 1996
David W. Douthat 2000
David W. Douthat David_in the studio
David W. Douthat poolside mural ccc
David W. Douthat Hotel mural citrussuites2
David W. Douthat Arabian Knights bathroom mural _1014322-01
David W. Douthat Hotel mural citrussuites2-01
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