BA in Fine Arts, magna cum laude, with high honors, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
MSc. in the Sociology of Sport & Sport Management, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Juried international exhibition “Landscapes,” Artist Portfolio, online gallery and magazine,
“New York late summer afternoon,” Third Place Prize, & “Grey Dawn,”
Issue 7, December 2012
19th Annual "Small Works of Great Importance" juried international exhibition, Edward Hopper
House, Nyack NY,
"New York late summer afternoon," "Dockside," "Positano at Dusk," October 27-
December 23, 2012
Juried international exhibition "Scapes," the Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, "New York late
summer afternoon," Third Place Prize, October 2012
Juried international exhibition "Botanicals," Light Space & Time Online Gallery, "Flowers in
Kent," September 2012
Group Show, Small Works Show, Art & Frame of Danbury, November-December 2011
Group Show, daily forum, Spray Can 3 iPhone/iPad application, 600+ works, 3 million views
(verified by application developers at Rapidrabbit), 2011-2012
Solo Show, The Life Cafe, 10 E. 1st Street, NY, NY, May 1986
Group Show, “Seven,” Charlestown Center for the Arts, Charlestown MA, April 1984
Commissioned 8' x 20' mural, “Athletes in Motion,” Brandeis University Athletics, sponsor
Charlie Napoli, Waltham MA, 1982
Commissioned 9' x 22' semi-circular mural, “At the Fair,” Nassau Farmer's Market , Bethpage
NY 1978